Using a Virtual Data Room Workflow to Accelerate M&A Due Diligence

The right virtual data room workflow is essential for businesses that are involved in M&A due-diligence, or any other type of data sharing. It can be the difference between a smooth and efficient process and one which is a hassle and hinders the success of the deal.

A VDR that offers a variety of document-sharing functions can help businesses improve efficiency and speed up work even when working with data rooms that hold thousands of documents. Templates for folders, for instance can facilitate due diligence and help users organize files according pre-set criteria like company or subject matter. Enhanced drag and drop upload capabilities can also reduce the time required to upload files onto the platform.

Other features that can save time include the possibility of marking a file or folder as a favorite and filter it to display only those items. This feature can save time and streamlines document review by removing the need look through the entire virtual data room’s content, looking for specific information or files. Users can also move swiftly through documents to become familiar with them and speed up review with VDRs that provide infinite scrolling.

In addition to these document sharing features, virtual data rooms provide a range of security functions that allow companies to protect sensitive and private information for example, two-factor authentication, password protection, and the ability to view fences. Fence view restricts access to the virtual data room to the time and IP address of the user, thus preventing them from being able take photographs or screenshots of sensitive information displayed on screen.